Thursday, November 11, 2010

First blog EVER!

So. I have never blogged before and this my feeble attempt at starting one. I don't know what it will be about, if anything, and I cannot promise that you will always agree with what I am saying. I can tell you that at times it may be funny, at times you may cry, and there may be a rant or two or five. I know one thing, though. It will not be very regular. I have two kids so let's face it, it will be hard to get on here on a regular basis.

Today I want to talk about gyms. That's right people! I'm THAT girl...a gym member. I just joined the National Fitness Center today after a rigorous albeit tedious search for a gym that fits my needs and budget. I visited several places...ok, I actually only visited 2 other places besides this one but in my town that IS several. The other places were cool. One even had a cardio cinema that was like a movie theater but instead of seats there were treadmills, bikes, and ellipticals. Awesome, right? However, this gym was one of those places where if you don't have a hard body, you feel like you don't belong. At least, that is how I felt walking in. Once you factor in the insane prices, I knew it was not for me.

The second place I went to was the YMCA. It was okay except they go by your income. I tried to tell them that I am a stay-at-home mom so I have no income but then they went and asked that pesky question about my husband's income. Dang it! So that was out since we make too much money. HA! If only they saw my bills!

So there I was, downtrodden and destined to have my baby fat forever when suddenly I saw the NFC. I was on a trip to the Dollar Tree when I saw it and remember that it had been there forever. It was never very busy. Just the kind of gym I like, one with hardly anyone to see me and my jiggly thighs. I made an appointment and the rest is history. I signed up and am on my way to my first cycling class in years. Now all I need is the self-discipline to control my eating and I will be on my way to Skinny Town-population me! That, however is a story for another time my friends.

So that's my first blog. Hope you like it and the others that will follow.


  1. YAY! YOU DID IT!!!!!!! I am soooooo excited that you started a blog, now I can keep up with you even better...and I'm super jealous about your gym experience (we only have the Y in my town, and there's too many people I know there to feel comfortable going).

  2. I had this super long response and then I got a phone call and it erased It all since I'm on my phone. Anyhow, I hope I will be joining you soon, we can do this!! I need to crack down. I am so super psyched that you have a blog now!!!
