Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Help me out here people!

Hello again. I am a little frustrated today so let me begin with a little background and then, my rant.

Due to a sequence of events which I don't care to recall (ok, my husband broke the couch he made me buy a year ago that I hate after I told him it was about to break but he did nothing about), I went to a furniture store to buy a new couch. While there, we also bought a new recliner because my husband loves them (I hate them). I also happened upon a bedroom suit that I had been after for years that was on sale. It was the floor model and they were not going to be offering it again so it was a sweet deal that I couldn't pass up. After some butt-kissing and negotiation, it was mine! This new furniture is going to be delivered Thursday so I have to get rid of the old crap, I mean, stuff (hey it has lasted since both my husband and I were in high school, I guess it's pretty good).

So, I go on a website where people can post things they need to sell, kind of like a yard sale...Anyway, wonderful website and I actually do love it. I posted last night and by 7:30 this morning I had 9 responses in my inbox. Herein lies my problem and the subject of my rant. I chose a lady who said she was desperate for furniture. She didn't ask for a reduced price like some people and I am a nice person so I wanted to help her out. I email her back and no response. I wait a few hours and still...nothing. Seriously?! So, I decided to call one of the other people. No answer. No return phone call. Why people? You say you want the stuff today and I want it gone today. So answer me already!

I know what you are saying "Bianca, you are a stay-at-home mome. Some people have jobs and cannot be near a computer or phone." And I say to you, "First of all, I know none of those kinds of people. All my friends are always near a computer or phone. Second, you are right and I have thought of this." But this is what I am thinking: tell me that. Yeah, I know. Novel idea, huh? But seriously, think about it. What if you said, "Hey, I want to buy this stuff but I will not be available between these hours to answer an email or phone call. I will get back to you after this certain time"? Is that so hard? I think not!

So hopefully these people will get back to me because the rest of my customers aren't going to wait forever. And thus ends my rant. Thank you for your time and attention.


  1. I love that I can hear your voice as you're ranting about this. Almost makes me feel like I'm listening to this story while drinking a Woodchuck and eating Papa Murphy's Pizza!

  2. They must not want the furniture bad enough! Come ON people get with times! :)

  3. Ah, the good old days of pizza and Woodchuck...

    @Allison: That's what I'm sayin'!
