Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Funny things Nolan says

I was just thinking about my lovable, cute son because I was thinking about the things I'm thankful for. So cheesy, right? I know but let's get over it. He says the funniest things all the time and I often forget about them so I decided to copy Allison and put them here for all the world to see but also so I can look back at the good ol' days when he's a teenager and says things that aren't so much funny as they are mean.

1. Nolan to Justin at Walmart: "Daddy if you don't buy me something, I'm going to tell Mommy."

2. Nolan to me after taking a shower with Justin: "Mommy, I smell like a man!"

3. "Mommy I'm going to buy you that." (a Swiffer mop on TV)

4. "Mommy, look at the living room! I vaccumed!"

5. After I tell him to stop crying or we aren't going to McDonald's: "It's not working!"
    "What's not working?"
    "My crying! It won't stop!"

That's it for now. He's a pretty funny kid though so I'm sure I will have more later.


  1. I like that his ultimate threat is "I'm going to tell Mommy." That one cracked me up! I miss your better be reminding him about me, because I don't want to get the blank stare that dominated the first year that I knew him when I come back to visit.

  2. lol! That made me laugh because I immediately started picturing that blank stare!
